Student Leadership

Meet the Board of Directors

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The Audit Committee recommends to the Board of Directors the retention and termination of independent auditors; negotiating the independent auditors' compensation; conferring with the auditors to satisfy committee members that the financial affairs of the Corporation are in order; reviewing and determining whether to accept the audit; assuring that any non-audit services performed by the auditing firm conform with the standards for auditor independence set forth in the latest revision of the Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and approving performance of non-audit services by the auditing firm. The committee shall have seven (7) members; five (5) voting, and two (2) non-voting. The voting members shall be three (3) students, one of whom shall be a student voting member of the Board and shall chair the committee. The two (2) non-voting members shall be the University-Student Union Executive Director or designee and a representative from the organization contracted to provide financial services to the University-Student Union.

  1. Voting - Five (5) voting, and two (2) non-voting.
  2. Voting - Three (3) students, one of whom shall be a student-voting member of the Board and shall chair the committee.
  3. Liaisons - U-SU Executive Director or designee.
  4. Liaisons - Representative from the organization contracted to provide financial services to the U-SU.

The University-Student Union's Board of Directors is the governing board of the Union. Become a Student Leader